Nain Bot Commands


Music Command

Nain bot has Amazing quality Music. There are some Basic Commands for Music like , play, skip , pause , resume , disconnect , etc.

Game Commands

Nain has Many Amazing and Fun Games Commands like , rps , battle , roll , achieve , etc.

Moderator Commands

Nain bot has many Amazing Moderator Commands which you can use easily. Some Common Commands of Moderators are , kick , ban , mute , unmute , warn , createChannel , createVC , etc.

Fun Commands

Nain bot has many Fun Commands and Nain bot is mainly made for Fun. These Commands are very Fun to use. Some Fun Commands are , meme , slap , hack , ph , ijy , etc.

Info Commands

Nain bot has info Commands that can increase your knowledge and You can also Check Roles , Users , Server and Many things info like serverinfo , userinfo , avatar, roleinfo , etc.